Creating an Account

Setting up an account with TotalSig is a key step in accessing its range of features. Here's a general guide on how to create your account:

Download and Install the TotalSig Extension

  • First, ensure you have the TotalSig extension installed in your browser. Follow the instructions for installation on either Chrome or Firefox.

Launch TotalSig Extension

  • Once the extension is installed, click on the TotalSig icon in your browser extension area.

Start the Account Creation Process

  • Upon launching TotalSig, you will be greeted with an option to create a new wallet or import an existing one.
  • Select "Create a New Wallet" to begin the account creation process.

Set a Strong Password

  • You will be prompted to create a strong password. This is crucial for the security of your wallet. Ensure it's complex and unique.

Backup Your Recovery Phrase

  • After setting your password, TotalSig will generate a recovery phrase. This phrase is essential for recovering your wallet if you forget your password or lose access to your device.
  • Write down the recovery phrase and store it in a secure location. Do not share it with anyone.

Verify Recovery Phrase

  • You may be asked to re-enter the recovery phrase to confirm that you have noted it correctly.

Complete the Setup

  • Once you have verified your recovery phrase, your TotalSig account setup is complete. You can now start using the wallet to manage your digital assets.
Security Tips:

Remember, never share your password or recovery phrase with anyone. Regularly update your password and monitor your account for any unauthorized activities.